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Heavy Metals Testing Services

Food Adulteration (Metallic Contamination) (Amendment) Regulation 2018


List of Heavy Metals in Food:


1) Antimony 2) Arsenic (expressed as total arsenic) 3) Arsenic (expressed as inorganic arsenic) 4) Barium 5) Boron 6) Cadmium 7) Chromium 8) Copper 9) Lead 10) Manganese 11) Mercury (expressed as methyl-mercury) 12) Mercury (expressed as total mercury) 13) Mercury (expressed as inorganic mercury) 14) Nickel 15) Selenium 16) Tin 17) Uranium

1) 銻 2) 砷 (以總砷表示 ) 3) 砷 (以無機砷表示 ) 4) 鋇 5) 硼 6) 鎘 7) 鉻 8) 銅 9) 鉛 10) 錳 11) 汞 (以甲基汞表示 ) 12) 汞 (以總汞表示 ) 13) 汞 (以無機汞表示 ) 14) 鎳 15) 硒 16) 錫 17) 鈾

Maximum Level (ML) of metal in food depends on food type, please refer to the Amendment Regulation for details.


​Enviro Labs equipped with sophisticated instruments such as Microwave Oven, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS for testing heavy metals. 

環境化驗配備了微波爐、ICP-OES 和 ICP-MS 等先進儀器,用於檢測重金屬。

Maximum Level of Methyl Mercury and Inorganic Arsenic on Specific Type of Food

甲基汞 及 無機砷 在指定食物中的上限

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