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飲用水中的常見污染物及其檢測方法 Common Contaminants in Drinking Water and How to Detect Them





1. 化學污染物

  • 重金屬(鉛、砷、汞):可能通過工業廢料或舊管道滲入水源。長期接觸會導致嚴重的健康問題,包括神經和發育障礙。

  • 硝酸鹽和亞硝酸鹽:通常來源於農業徑流,會影響嬰兒和孕婦的血液氧氣運輸。

  • 農藥:農業使用的農藥可能污染地下水,對神經和內分泌系統造成威脅。

2. 生物污染物

  • 細菌(大腸桿菌、沙門氏菌):這些微生物可能來自污水或動物排泄物,會引發胃腸疾病。

  • 病毒:如諾如病毒,在疫情期間可能污染水源。

  • 原生動物(賈第蟲、隱孢子蟲):這些寄生蟲能抵抗常規的氯化處理,導致嚴重的腹瀉疾病。

3. 物理污染物

  • 沉積物:泥土、沙子等顆粒會使水變得混濁,降低其可用性。

  • 微塑膠:最新研究表明,飲用水中普遍存在微小塑膠顆粒,其對健康的長期影響尚不明確。


1. 化學檢測

  • 電感耦合等離子體質譜(ICP-MS):高精確度檢測鉛、汞等重金屬。

  • FIA 流動注入分析儀:有效檢測硝酸鹽、亞硝酸鹽等陰離子。

  • 氣相色譜-質譜聯用(GC-MS):常用於檢測水中的農藥殘留。

2. 微生物檢測

  • 培養法:通過在特定培養基上促進生長,檢測細菌。

  • 聚合酶鏈式反應(PCR):快速且準確地檢測病毒和賈第蟲、隱孢子蟲等特定病原體。

3. 物理檢測

  • 濁度儀:測量水的混濁度,判斷懸浮顆粒含量。

  • 微塑膠過濾器:幫助分離並量化水樣中的微塑膠。



  • 健康保障:識別並去除有害污染物,預防疾病。

  • 法規遵從:符合香港、澳門及中國內地的水質標準。

  • 公眾信心:確保對供水系統的信任。


安全的飲用水是基本需求,定期檢測對確保水質至關重要。通過先進的檢測方法,我們可以識別並減少各種污染物的風險,保護公眾健康和環境。Enviro Labs提供全面的水質檢測服務,幫助企業和個人確保其飲用水安全可靠。


Water is essential for life, but it can also be a carrier of harmful contaminants. Ensuring the safety of drinking water is critical for public health, especially in urban environments like Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China. This blog explores the common contaminants found in drinking water and the methods used to detect them.

Types of Common Contaminants

1. Chemical Contaminants

  • Heavy Metals (Lead, Arsenic, Mercury): These can seep into water sources from industrial waste or old pipes. Long-term exposure can cause severe health problems, including neurological and developmental issues.

  • Nitrates and Nitrites: Often found in agricultural runoff, these can pose risks to infants and pregnant women by interfering with oxygen transport in the blood.

  • Pesticides: Used in agriculture, pesticides may contaminate groundwater and pose risks to the nervous and endocrine systems.

2. Biological Contaminants

  • Bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella): These microorganisms can cause gastrointestinal illnesses and originate from sewage or animal waste.

  • Viruses: Viral pathogens like norovirus can contaminate water during outbreaks.

  • Protozoa (Giardia, Cryptosporidium): These parasites can survive conventional chlorination and cause severe diarrheal diseases.

3. Physical Contaminants

  • Sediments: Dirt, sand, and other particles can make water cloudy and reduce its usability.

  • Microplastics: Emerging research highlights the prevalence of tiny plastic particles in drinking water and their unknown long-term effects on health.

Detection Methods

1. Chemical Testing

  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS): Used to detect heavy metals like lead and mercury with high accuracy.

  • Ion Chromatography: Effective for identifying nitrates, nitrites, and other anions.

  • Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS): Commonly used to detect pesticide residues in water.

2. Microbiological Testing

  • Culture-Based Methods: Widely used to detect bacteria by encouraging growth on specific media.

  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction): Provides rapid and accurate detection of DNA from viruses and bacteria.

  • Immunoassays: Useful for detecting specific pathogens like Giardia and Cryptosporidium.

3. Physical Testing

  • Turbidity Meters: Measure the cloudiness of water to determine the level of suspended particles.

  • Microplastic Filters: Help isolate and quantify microplastics in water samples.

Why Testing Matters

Regular testing of drinking water is crucial for:

  • Health Protection: Identifying and removing harmful contaminants to prevent diseases.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Meeting local water quality standards in Hong Kong, Macau, and mainland China.

  • Public Confidence: Ensuring trust in water supply systems.


Safe drinking water is a fundamental need, and regular testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring its quality. With advanced detection methods, we can identify and mitigate the risks posed by various contaminants, protecting public health and the environment. Enviro Labs offers comprehensive water testing services to help businesses and individuals ensure their water is safe for consumption.

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