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Water Treatment  & Monitoring

With our experienced chemists, microbiologists, and engineers, ELL could provide consultancy and R&D services for water treatment. Examples of previous projects are listed below:


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Jar Test -  estimate the minimum coagulant dose required to achieve certain water quality goals 

瓶杯試驗 - 估計達到某些水質目標所需的最小混凝劑劑量


COD Removal Experiment - determine the COD removal rate using advanced oxidation process (AOP) of ultraviolet radiation in combination with hydrogen peroxide (UV/H2O2)

去除化學需氧量 (COD) 實驗 - 使用高級氧化程序(AOP) - 紫外線結合過氧化氫(UV/H2O2) 去除化學需氧量 (COD)


Sewage Characterization - on-site pH/temperature monitoring

污水特性 - 現場 酸鹼度/溫度監測

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