Bacillus cereus 蠟樣芽孢桿菌

Typical Bacillus cereus colonies in BACARA
Bacillus cereus (B. cereus) is a Gram positive, facultatively aerobic spore-former. The spores of B. cereus are heat resistant to general heat and chemical treatment and thus food poisoning cases have been reported even for cooked or treated food. If B. cereus grows in food, it can cause foodborne illness in humans, which is vomiting very shortly after eating contaminated food or diarrhea after a longer incubation.
Meats including siu mei or lo mei, milk, vegetables, and fishes have been found to be associated with B. cereus food poisoning. Starchy foods, such as rice, fried rice, potatoes, pasta and cheese products are also commonly associated with B. cereus toxin outbreaks. If contaminated food store in ambient temperature for an extended time, B. cereus will grow and produce a toxin that is heat stable and will not be inactivated during subsequent cooking.
Enviro Labs - HOKLAS Accredited Methods:
US FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online (BAM online), Chapter 14, 2012
Bacillus Cereus Rapid Agar (BACARA) without confirmation
Bacillus Cereus Rapid Agar (BACARA) - AFNOR Validation Certificate no. AES-10/10-7/10
蠟樣芽孢桿菌 (Bacillus cereus ) 是一種革蘭氏陽性,兼性好氧產孢子菌。 蠟樣芽孢桿菌的孢子是耐熱的,一般加熱和化學處理不易被消滅,因此即使煮熟的食物偶有食品中毒的病例報告。如果食物含有蠟樣芽孢桿菌,可引起疾病,如嘔吐或腹瀉。
參考資料: 香港食物安全中心
環境化驗 HOKLAS 認可方法:
US FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online (BAM online), Chapter 14, 2012
Bacillus Cereus Rapid Agar (BACARA) without confirmation
Bacillus Cereus Rapid Agar (BACARA) - AFNOR Validation Certificate no. AES-10/10-7/10