Amoeba 阿米巴變形蟲
Amoeba is a protozoa that could be present in fresh water system such as swimming pools, spa or jacuzzi pools, and hot spring.
Amoeba infections in humans are rare and are acquired through water entering the nasal passages (usually during swimming) and by inhalation. A few death cases related to amoeba infection have been reported. For example, deadly amoeba, Naegleria fowler (brain eating amoeba), invade brain tissue and nervous system of human, and death usually occurs within 1 week of the onset of symptoms.
To safeguard from this terrible parasite, regular check of water quality of your swimming pools, spa/jacuzzi, and hot spring is the best way to ensure the water is free of contamination.
Enviro Labs Ltd. (ELL) uses international recognized method to detect Amoeba in water samples. Call us at 2676 2983 or e-mail info@envirolabs.com.hk for details of the services.
阿米巴變形蟲是一種可存在於淡水系統,如游泳池、水療或按摩池和溫泉的原蟲。阿米巴感染人類的個案不常見,大部份個案是水通過鼻腔進入和吸入(通常在游泳)。感染阿米巴的死亡病例報導不多。例如,致命的福氏耐格阿米巴原蟲 (Naegleria fowleri ),侵入人的腦組織和神經系統,死亡通常在發病症狀1週內發生。
為了預防這個可怕的寄生蟲,最好的方法是定期檢查游泳池水質、水療 /按摩浴缸和溫泉水,確保水不被污染。
環境化驗有限公司(ELL)使用國際認可方法來檢測水樣中的阿米巴變形蟲。請致電 2676 2983 或 電郵 info@envirolabs.com.hk 查詢有關服務。