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Fish Tank Water Testing 魚缸水水質測試

Under section 10A of the Food Business Regulation (Cap 132 subsidiary legislation X), no person shall in the course of any food business keep any live fish or shell fish intended for human consumption in water of a quality below the standard specified by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD). The fish tank water standard is "E. coli less than 610 per 100 ml and absence of pathogenic organisms such as Vibrio cholerae".

Fish tank water from all licensed food premises and market stalls selling live seafood intended for human consumption will be collected by the staff of FEHD regularly to ensure the water quality complies with the requirements. If the E.coli content of water exceeds 180 cfu/100mL, the operators of the food premises will be alerted and they should take remedial measures to prevent deteriorating quality of fish tank water. In 

case if E.coli level exceeds 610 cfu/100mL, the owner of the food premises may be prosecuted and is liable to a maximum fine of $10,000 and imprisonment of three months upon conviction.

Enviro Labs Ltd. (ELL) is a HOKLAS laboratory in microbiology testing for environmental samples and we could help to monitor the water quality of fish tank water to ensure its meets the regulations. Call us at 2676 2983 or e-mail for details of the services.



食環署會定期從所有販賣擬供人食用的活海鮮的持牌食物業處所和街巿攤檔(包括持有售賣活魚許可證的處所)抽取魚缸水樣本一次,以檢測大腸桿菌。為了盡早提醒有關處所經營者其魚缸水質變壞或消毒設施失靈,以便及早採取補救措施,食環署把需要採取行動的水平定於每100毫升水含180個大腸桿菌。如果大腸桿菌水平超過 610 cfu/100mL,食物業持牌人可能被檢控,一經定罪,最高可被判罰款10,000元及入獄三個月。

環境化驗有限公司(ELL)在環境樣品微生物學測試已取得 HOKLAS 認可。我們可以幫助食物業持牌人監測魚缸水水質,以確保其符合規定。請致電 2676 2983 或 電郵 查詢服務詳情。

References 参考資料

  1. Guidelines On The Filtration And Disinfection Facilities For Fish Tank Water, FEHD 

      魚缸水過濾和消毒設施指引, 香港食環處

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